Flatio - mieszkanie na kilka miesięcy
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Read all reviews of Flatio from tenants and landlords or make your own experience. It's safe and easy.

Sacha B. Tenant
Everything is perfect with this website, it is quite easy to use as well as the customer service being very efficient
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10.03.2021 Praga
Rogelio A N. Tenant
very easy to use and needed for visa applications for longstays.
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20.11.2020 Lagos
Slavomir S. Tenant
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12.03.2021 Praga
Alexandra M. Tenant
Pontos beköltözés és kiköltözés dátumát meg lehet határozni
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12.03.2021 Budapeszt
Sacha B. Tenant
La simplicité du site. La sécurité du site. Les propositions d'appartement très correctes.
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05.12.2020 Praga
Milena M. Tenant
Flexibilita, nájem bez kauce, a poplatku, vyřizovaní přes internet, ne jen ČR,
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12.03.2021 Praga
Iva D. Tenant
Include an option to have more than one person be the signatory of the lease contract, as this is sometimes needed to prove residence to the authorities.
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11.03.2021 Praga
Paulo B. Tenant
Eu não conhecia a Flatio. Surgiu-me no Facebook. Pelo que vi parece ser uma plataforma de alugueres muito interessante. Se for aquilo que aparenta ser, poderemos ser clientes durante muito tempo.
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11.03.2021 Armação de Pêra
Tomas J. Tenant
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11.03.2021 Praga
Jon M. Tenant
Flatio is the best agency to find apartments for short or term rent. In addition, its very easy and simple to use.
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11.03.2021 Praga
Elizaveta F. Tenant
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11.03.2021 Praga
Sandra H. Tenant
Fér přístup - lidský příběh
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02.12.2020 Praga
Rod J. Comer And M. Tenant
Ease of use of the website, quantity of flats available across Portugal.
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11.03.2021 Lagos
Vikramjeet S. Tenant
So easy to use
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11.03.2021 Lizbona
Władysław W. Tenant
Jak dla mnie ok
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08.03.2021 Warszawa
Katherine L. Tenant
Easy to use website and clear information.
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10.03.2021 Amsterdam
Andrea K. Tenant
Vše je hezké a přehledné.
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10.03.2021 Praga
Jenő B. Tenant
Szerintem nagyon kedvező ajánlatokkal rendelkeznek
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10.03.2021 Budapeszt
Joana A. Tenant
Fazer um chat para cada apartamento interessado
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10.03.2021 Praga
Grigore S. Tenant
Az hogy nagyon jó árba vannak a szobák
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09.03.2021 Budapeszt
Rostislav D. Tenant
bezproblémová služba a dostatek informací
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09.03.2021 Praga
Marek L. Tenant
Rychlost, bezpečnost a doporučení
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09.03.2021 Praga
Kellen M. Tenant
Facilidade, diversidade e preços.
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09.03.2021 Trafaria
François G. Tenant
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09.03.2021 Praga